Monday, September 15, 2008

Hurricane Ike hits Cincinnati

It's true. Amazingly, a crazy windstorm has most of the city and surrounding areas without power. I was at the Bengal's game and although we could tell things were quite unusual, never did we dream to see the damage that we did on our ride home. Currently, both girls are home from school today (Monday) and Dave is home from work...he has no power at his office. He has been cleaning out our pool and clearing the yard since about 10 am, and it is now 2 pm. The pictures are of our yard, and one large tree in the neighbors. Olivia was on camera duty and captured things well last night! We seemingly are one of the few communities whose power is restored today, officials are predicting at least 2-3 days for most home and businesses but up to a week or more. I have yet to venture out for gas, but it is in short supply too b/c you need electric to pump gas so the areas with power, are seeing long lines. Last night was a virtual blackout with 90% of the area without power. Here is an article with some more details. Although what you see is mess at our house, we are actually the lucky ones...both here in Ohio and certainly in the more devastated areas that Ike struck.
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