Monday, September 29, 2008

a week in the life

I am on day 2 of taking pics of my everyday life, and I am trying to do this consistently for a mere 7 days to make a scrapbook covering the topic of just THIS week, documenting...a week in our life. I totally dig Ali Edward's style and I am inspired by her challenge on her blog so I plan to give it a whirl. Starting out yesterday with some gorgeous pics of these two certainly spirred me on! Today I got some more realistic things like 3 unmade beds, overflowing laundry baskets, my sewing machine, half done projects laying know, real life! My other goal is to really simplify the layout of the book too. I am going to use only one or two digi scrapbook templates, choose one digi kit and maybe a few additional elements. That's it. Simply, simplified.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did this through CKC. You will be so glad you did. Take 7 timea as many pictures as you think you need. Trust me.