Tuesday, July 10, 2007

birthday: round 2

And here is the 6 year old. We actually sang to her first. Frankly, I thought sharing the cake was going to be more of an issue. I probably will not do it again, b/c the 3 year old is bound to wisen (is that a word?) up and insist on going first too. Anyway, we sang separately to them but as you can see, they both worked together on blowing out the fire here!
Olivia got a razor scooter and she is working on those skills. It makes for a handy prop though to smile sweetly at your Mother to end the day with a nice picture :)

And speaking of the Mom. That's me. And I somehow managed to remember to get a picture of me at the VERY end of the day, so do not be too critical of my appearance, it was 95 and humid. Ok??

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