Sunday, July 31, 2011

week in the life: pages in progress

 Intro Page.

Day 1 Page.

Each day of the week will have one layout like this one with the 4 narrow photos (courtesy of a template from CatScrap). Depending on how much more of a story I have to tell or if there is a special picture to highlight, there will be additional daily pages. I'd like to also include one page for food/dining out and ideally one page about each of us that showcases additional photos from the week.With that as my goal, the album will just barely have 20 pages.

I am really trying not to over think this so that I can get it done. Today, I worked for about 1.5 hours in the car on my laptop as Dave drove us home from Norris Lake. I got the pictures for the pages like Day 1, shown above, dropped into the templates and have those complete through Wednesday.

As a reminder, A Week in the Life, is a project created by Ali Edwards. You can learn more on Ali's blog. In addition, nearly every digital product I am using is from CatScrap Designs

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