Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Yesterday's Dinner

This photo is from the Kraft Foods website, the recipe is here : recipe. I thought this was delicious and could not have been quicker. Next time, I think I will make a bit of pasta to put it down over. Yum!

Easing into summer slowly here. Olivia began swim lessons yesterday. She is a great swimmer but became totally overwhelmed when they moved on to diving instruction. Hopefully tomorrow goes better.

I got a very interesting book from the library yesterday: Bend the Rules Sewing. I am so inspired by some of the projects, I just packed up my sewing machine to seek out somewhere to give it a little cleaning and overhaul. I am so BAD at reading patterns but hopefully I can figure one or two of these out.

And for the most exciting news, I am officially enrolled in this online course: Now We're Rockin' with Photoshop. I cannot wait!! I hope to dedicate the time I need to really learn over the next month and I think this is the perfect avenue and format to do so. Pin It

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