Friday, August 29, 2008

you never know when

or where you are going to find something that triggers a memory. I started a new job this week, and have been working diligently on my office so I have a nice space to spend time in. Two days ago, I was down to cleaning out the drawers in my desk. I found loads of receipts for old computers, the reciept and instructions for the desk itself and lots of work related stuff from previous jobs. Before just tossing them, I tried to sift through things rather quickly just in case there was something I needed all these years later, or worse, if my social security number was plastered across the page...not something I need to wind up in the paper recycle dumpster at church (so happy with myself for making the effort to take some of it there). Anyway, I found a fax I sent in July 2000, with a doctor's note saying I could return to work after having had my three babies that did not survive. Sad for sure. But the touching part was the exact date on the was exactly one year to the day that I had Olivia in 2001. Pretty cool. Having had high risk pregnancies, the insurance paperwork is overwhelming, I still had much of that from Olivia and was ready to toss it but again, thankfully I rifled through it first b/c I found about 40 ultrasound pictures of her. I would have hated to miss those. Now you might wonder how a sentimental, scrapbooking fool like me could have let those out of my sight for 7+ years but again, the reality of a pregancy like mine is an ultrasound a week, give or take, for about 30+weeks. She was the most photographed baby even BEFORE birth. Anyway, it was like finding some buried treasure. And also it feels like closing some of those old chapters and really getting focused on beginning, creating and living some new ones. Pin It

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sniff, sniff...
touching post...
thanks for sharing ;)