Thursday, May 21, 2009

oh my gosh--look what i won!!

I cannot quite explain the thrill when I saw this on Heidi's blog. It was like my name in lights, or better if you are me and get a huge high from digital scrapbooking stuff like I do! As the resident room mom, this is about to be put to good use.

Thanks Heidi. Check out Hof3 for a boatload of cool things. (my blog banner is a freebie from there!) Also, check out her blog and what she did with this kit: teachers' gifts. Pin It

1 comment:

RootsAndWingsCo said...

I think I was directed here from OnePrettyThing. Not sure, because I've just spent probably the last 30 minutes perusing your blog. Love it! Fun crafts and thoughts that seem so similar to mine! Thanks for putting it all out there!
