Friday, June 26, 2009

this week really felt like summer vacation

Both girls have attended vacation bible school this week. These are from their final program today.


After that, we went to a small water play area at a county park with Mason, their cousin. It was h o t but fun. They came home and swam again for a few hours and inhaled loads of pizza and cheesesticks for dinner.

Currently, they are camped out on the sofa watching Princess Protection Program on Disney and Mason is spending the night. Big doings.

We have swam a ton and on Tuesday we saw the Hannah Montana movie. Last night, they played at an inflatable playland called Jump Zone.

If you run across any Mother of the Year ballots, be sure to fill my name in. And while you are at it, send a housekeeper this way.
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1 comment:

HMaas said...

Water is the best in the summer - and I love how it just tires the kiddos out, besides just being tons of fun. My son is finally old enough to attend VBS this year - so that will be fun - ours isn't until August though.