And this, Little Dreamer.
And this, Cincinnati Rewards.
My love for blogs, social media, writing, computing, photoshopping & picture taking has evolved into a business of sorts that I am loving.
Dave has been pitching in like crazy which is making this all possible. When I arrived home on Saturday, he had taken down all the Christmas decor and put it away in the basement. That is a task I DREAD and it was all done. And last night, we returned home from basketball practice to find hamburgers and baked beans ready to eat. It's good living I tell you. I have always wanted a wife :)
The girls are back in school, adjusting slowly to the schedule. The sisters had been living like rockstars for two weeks: staying up all night and sleeping late into the morning!
Tomorrow comes the S N O W.
1 comment:
ok absolutely LOVED your new year's life lessons post. i should so do that. good stuff.
what is this brides buddy deal? i saw it on your linked in update but still don't know what it's about?
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