Wednesday, October 19, 2011

one contest, 2 winners

So I have read the very cute blog SEW THIS IS MY LIFE for going on two years I'd guess. {I began reading when Baby Eli was still in his Momma's belly}.

Cristin has great style, is a wonderful quilter and makes darling items for her Etsy shop.

Last week she had a contest for a Go Baby! fabric cutter. The voice in my head first said: you will never win. But then I recalled how much my Mom really wants a fabric cutter. She wants to make uniform squares and other shapely shapes and she is after all retired now, so...she should have a fabric cutter. Because of this, I took the time to leave a comment and enter the contest. In my blog comment, I said something along the lines of "I'd give this fabric cutter to my mom and just borrow it if I were to win".

Fast forward to Friday evening. I open my email to see a note from Cristin. I had won! I won! I right away called my Mom who said: I've always dreamed of owning one of those.

So, I made my Mom's dream come true. Cristin made my mom's dream come true. AccuQuilt? You made my mom's dream come true. Thank you. Very sincerely, thank you. Pin It


Cristin said...

aw thanks Tracy!!! you're too kind!!! Really! ;-) I want to see what you and your mom make with the Go!Baby... ok, let me know?

Judi said...

Congratulations to both you and your mom on winning! Good for you. What a great gift and one you can share too.
have a great evening